(english version below)

La fel ca la oameni, majoritatea accidentelor se intampla in interiorul sau in proximitatea casei. Exemplele cele mai frecvente pot fi: ingerarea substantelor toxice sau de obiecte straine, muscaturi, rupturi de gheare, indigestii, urgente oculare, oase rupte, taieturi, probleme in procesul de fatare sau accidente auto. 

O metoda care ajuta sa fii pregatit este sa ai o trusa de prim ajutor completa. 

Continutul trusei de prim ajutor pentru caini si pisici:

  • Apa oxigenata 3% (in perioada de valabilitate)
  • O seringa mare pentru administrarea apei oxigenate
  • Dezinfectant (Betadina)
  • Manusi sterile
  • Foarfeca
  • Ser fiziologic
  • Enteroguard, smecta sau altele similare antidiareice
  • Baneocin pudra
  • Spray pentru arsuri
  • Recompense!
  • Comprese sterile si nesterile
  • Fase autoadezive
  • Leucoplast
  • Termometru digital
  • Botnita si lesa

Este de asemenea o idee buna sa aveti la indemana sau chiar in cadrul trusei, numerele de telefon ale veterinarilor din zona si ale clinicilor cu program non stop.

Important! Nu este recomandat sa administrati medicamente de oameni animalelor decat cu aprobarea veterinarului. In unele cazuri este periculos sa induceti voma animalului cu metode casnice (cu apa oxigenata/salina, etc) si ar fi mai bine sa duceti animalul de urgenta la veterinar.

Conform statisticilor Asociatiei Spitalelor Animale din SUA (AAHA), peste 25% din decesele animalelor ar fi putut fi evitate daca s-ar fi folosit cel putin o tehnica de prim ajutor inaintea sosirii la veterinar. 

Dupa oferirea primului ajutor, este in continuare important sa ajungeti si la veterinar cat mai curand posibil.

Multe urgente insa, nu pot fi gestionate, nici macar in stadiul initial prin metode de prim ajutor, asadar sunati de urgenta la clinica si cereti instructiuni in timp ce va pregatiti sa transportati animalul.

Iar cel mai important sfat de luat in considerare este sa va pastrati CALMUL. 

Items you need in your pet first aid kit

Just like people, most pet accidents happen in or nearby the home. Examples of the most common pet accidents include: toxic ingestion, dog bites, high rise syndrome, ripped toenails, foreign body ingestions with gastrointestinal problems, eye emergencies, broken bones, trouble giving birth and being hit by a car. One way to be prepared is to have a pet first aid kit on hand.

Dog and Cat Pet First Aid Kit contents:

  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% (within the expiration date)
  • An oral dosing syringe or turkey baster (for administering hydrogen peroxide)
  • Teaspoon/tablespoon set (to calculate the appropriate amount of hydrogen peroxide to give)
  • Liquid hand dish washing detergent (i.e., Dawn, Palmolive)
  • Rubber gloves Triple antibiotic ointment with NO other combination ingredients—NOT for use in CATS!)
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Diphenhydramine tablets 25 mg (with NO other combination ingredients)
  • Ophthalmic saline solution or artificial tears
  • Can of tuna packed in water or tasty canned pet food
  • Sweet electrolyte-containing beverage
  • Corn syrup
  • Vegetable oil

Based on recommendations from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), you should also consider including these additional items:

  • Gauze
  • Nonstick bandages (or towels/cloth strips)
  • Adhesive tape for bandages (Do not use human adhesive bandages.)
  • Milk of Magnesia
  • Digital thermometer

Having an extra leash in your kit is also a good idea, and make sure that you always have the phone numbers for your veterinarian and the local emergency veterinary clinic handy.

Remember, before you attempt anything with your new pet first aid kit, it is always important to speak with a poison control specialist before you try any therapies at home. You will never want to administer the hydrogen peroxide to a pet without checking with a veterinary professional first. In some situations, it is not appropriate to induce vomiting at home. You should also never administer over-the-counter human medications to pets without first speaking to a toxicologist or veterinary professional. One helpful resource is the Pet Poison Helpline: 1 (800) 213-6680 or www.petpoisonhelpline.com.

According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), 25 percent more pets would survive if just one pet first aid technique were applied prior to getting emergency veterinary care.

After you’ve administered first aid, it is still extremely important to seek veterinary care as soon as possible. Many emergencies cannot be managed—even in the initial period—with simple pet first aid procedures. Call your veterinarian (or, if pet sitting, the client’s veterinarian), an emergency veterinary center or poison control immediately—and remember, above all, to STAY CALM.