(english version below)
Serviciul de pick up si/sau drop off este destinat clientilor care au rezervare la cazare in locatia noastra, dar nu au posibilitatea sau disponibilitatea de a transporta animalul pana la noi.
Tarif: 6 lei /km*
Program transporturi: 7:00-20:00
Rezervarile se fac in scris pe whatsapp la numarul de telefon 0732144570, preferabil cat mai din timp pentru a va asigura locul. Va rugam specificati data si intervalul orar preferat. O ora fixa nu putem garanta din motive de trafic imprevizibil. Va rugam sa evitati intervalele orare cu trafic intens (8:00-9:00 si 16:00-18:00) din motive de siguranta ale animalului.
Animalele sunt transportate cu un autoturism climatizat, in conditii legale, acestea fiind securizate fie intr-o cusca de dimensiuni potrivite taliei, fie pe bancheta din spate/portbagaj cu securizare la centura de siguranta.
Recomandam pentru caini sa fie echipati cu ham (normal) la predare, pentru a reduce riscul accidentarilor in caz de coliziuni sau frane bruste.
Pisicile, pasarile, reptilele sau alte specii de animale vor fi transportate strict in cusca pusa la dispozitie de proprietar.
*Taxa de urgenta, pentru rezervari facute cu mai putin de 24h inainte se percepe o taxa extra de 50% lei.
**Transporturile din zilele de sarbatoare legala se taxeaza in plus cu 50%.
The pick up and / or drop off service is intended for customers who have a reservation for boarding in our location, but do not have the possibility or availability to transport the animal to us.
PRICE: 6lei/km*
Schedule: 7AM – 8PM
Bookings need to be made in writing on whatsapp +40732144570 ahead of time to make sure you have a spot. Please specify the date and preferred time interval. Due to unpredictable traffic we cannot guaranty a fixed time. Try to avoid rush hours for the safety of your animal (8AM-9AM & 4PM-6PM)
The animals are transported with an air-conditioned car, in legal conditions, they are secured either in a crate, or on the back seat / trunk secured with the seat belt.
We recommend that dogs be equipped with a harness to reduce the risk of injury in the event of a collision or sudden braking.
Cats, birds, reptiles or other animal species will be transported strictly in a crate provided by the owner.
*Emergency fee of 50% extra for any bookings made less than 24h before.
*We charge 50% more on national holidays.