Cazare Caini – Dog Boarding
(english version below)
Cazarea la Tina’s Pet Paradise se deosebeste de hotelurile clasice de caini prin conceptul de comuniune in armonie alaturi de prieteni. De acest stil de cazare la comun, beneficiaza cainii care apreciaza joaca cu alti caini de talia lor si care adora sa socializeze si sa alerge liberi impreuna cu semenii lor.
Clientii de la cazare se bucura de atentie continua, miscare sanatoasa, disciplina atat de necesara si multa multa afectiune. Serviciile de cazare si gradinita (doggy day care) sunt de cea mai inalta calitate. Blanosii sunt permanent supravegheati, atat in interior cat si in exterior. Acestia beneficiaza de multa libertate si isi petrec majoritatea timpului afara la joaca, atunci cand vremea o permite.
INTERIOR: Punem la dispozitia cainilor incaperi comune dotate cu aer conditionat si incalzire, mobilate cu canapele si culcusuri pufoase. Fiecare catel este liber sa isi aleaga locul pentru somn in interior, fie pe canapea, fotolii, culcusuri sau pe covorase. Curatenia si dezinfectia suprafetelor si culcusurilor este foarte importanta pentru noi si se face zilnic cu solutii eficiente si sigure pentru animale.
Pentru cainii care prefera mai multa intimitate si au crate training de acasa, avem posibilitatea de cazare in custi spatioase unde se pot odihni in liniste si siguranta pe timpul noptii. Pe timpul zilei sunt lasati liberi sa socializeze in grupul de catei de talie asemanatoare.
EXTERIOR: In exterior, cainii se bucura de libertate pe toata suprafata de 2500 mp plina cu verdeata, unde au apa la discretie, zone umbrite, locuri de joaca si piscine pentru balaceala in sezonul estival. Sunt lasati liberi afara pe aproape toata durata zilei daca vremea o permite. Cainii meteo sensibili, seniori sau cu probleme de sanatate sunt lasati sa se odihneasca in interior mai mult timp, si li se acorda atentie speciala.
~ Cainii sunt separati in grupuri, in functie de talie si nivel de energie.
~ Hranirea se face conform instructiunilor stapanului, individual cu fiecare caine in parte pentru a evita certurile.
~ Apa proaspata este la discretie atat in interior cat si in exterior si este filtrata cu UV si Osmoza.
~ Programul receptiei este intre 7:00 – 19:00 zilnic.
~ Veterinar on call pentru urgente medicale.
*Este necesar sa va rezervati locul din timp, mai ales daca perioada este de sezon sau sarbatori, va rugam consultati pagina cu procedura de cazare pentru a urma pasii de rezervare si pentru a verifica daca cainele dvs. se incadreaza in conditiile de acceptare pentru acest serviciu.
Tarif Standard: 150 lei / noapte ~ 200 lei /noapte de sarbatoare legala. Lista de preturi completa aici
This type of boarding differs from a classic pet hotel by the fact that the dogs will live in a community of friends completely free in a secure place. Dogs that are social, like running free and love playing with other dogs their size benefit the most from this boarding style.
Our clients enjoy healthy physical activities, constant supervision, discipline exercises and lots of love and affection. We provide the highest quality care for our furry clients by keeping them safe and secure, supervising them and giving them lots of freedom inside and outside.
INSIDE: We offer rooms equipped with AC and heating, furnished with couches, and fluffy dog beds. Each dog has the liberty of choosing his resting spot, either on the couch, the doggy bed or on matts. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces is very important to us and it’s done daily with effective but safe cleaning products.
For dogs that have crate training and are comfortable there, we also provide spacious crates where they can rest and feel safe during the night. They only spend time crated during the night time and during the day they socialise and run free with the other dogs their size.
OUTSIDE: We have over 2500 square meters of green yards where the dogs enjoy complete freedom. There is have fresh water, shade and swimming pools during summer. They spend most time outside playing if the weather allows. Sensitive dogs, seniors and sick dogs get special attention and they spend more time indoors to rest.
~ The dogs are separated into groups according to their size and energy level.
~ Feeding is done separately following the owner’s instructions.
~ Fresh water is always available, indoors and outdoors and it’s filtered with a UV and Osmosis system.
~ Reception is open daily from 7AM to 7PM
~ Veterinary doctor on site for medical emergencies
It is necessary to book your place in advance, especially during holiday season, please consult the page with the accommodation procedure to follow the booking steps and to check if your dog checks the conditions of acceptance for this service.
*Standard rate is 150 lei/night ~ 200 lei /night if it’s a national holiday. Acces price list here.