
In aceasta sectiune se pot consulta regulamentele, procedurile, politicile si valorile dupa care ne ghidam activitatea la Tina’s Pets.

In spatele acestor ghiduri stau anii nostri de experienta cu animalele si stapanii lor, situatii neprevazute si diverse probleme care au aparut in activitatea noastra.

*Aceste proceduri sunt revizuite periodic.

⇒Procedura Cazare Gradinita Caini (Dog Boarding & Day Care)

In this section you can consult the regulations, procedures, policies and values according to which we guide our activity at Tina’s Pets. Behind these guides are our years of experience with animals and their owners, unforeseen situations and various problems that have arisen in our activity.

* These procedures are reviewed periodically.

Dog Boarding & Day Care Regulations & Procedures